How do I create a task from an application with an XLS file download?

The following entities must be created before creating a task:

  • An application for a task with an XLS file. You can find detailed instructions in the article How to create an application for a task?
  • The survey template. There may be several of them, depending on the purpose of the survey. The instructions are in the article How to create a template for a nested survey?
  • Guide. This is not a mandatory item, but it is useful for creating a task with checking values from the directory. For example, you need a task to check the overdue items. In this case, you can create a "Products" directory and check the values from it. How do I create a directory?

How can I use a task from an application with an XLS file?

You can create a task by uploading an XLS file containing information about certain entities that need to be checked.

For example, such tasks can check standard scenarios such as checking the availability of goods, checking expiration dates, monitoring competitors' prices, and many others.

The verification entities can be: goods, product categories, equipment, and more.

The first column in the file will always be the number of the object in which the check is performed (for example, the store number). And in the second column, you can specify a list of entities that need to be checked specifically in this object.

The column with the object number is not required to be filled in. If it is not filled in, then all objects will be assigned a task with the same list of entities.

How do I create a task from an application with an XLS file?

1) Go to the Tasks section of the sidebar → Task List Click the Add Task button to open a pop—up window for creating a task.

2) Click on the Task Type field and select the name of the desired application from the drop-down list.

In the dropdown list, you only see the applications that are available for use.

The availability is configured by the parameter Who will be able to create tasks with this application? which can be set in the application settings.

If the desired application is not available when you create a task, please contact the administrator of your system.

3) Fill in the task parameters and download the XLS file via the Download Template button.

Required parameters for the task:

  • Title
  • Deadline

How do I fill in an XLS file?

Do not change the template! Otherwise, an error will occur when uploading the file and it will be impossible to create a task.

If several templates are linked to the application, then each template will be located on a separate sheet of the file. You need to fill them all out.

1. The line with the application name is not editable.

2. The Store Number column. The store code is specified.

The column is optional.

If the column value is empty on all sheets in all rows, a task will be created for each store selected in the Select Performers block.

At the same time, for each store, all the verification objects listed in the file will be included in the task.

If the Store Number column is filled in on all sheets in all rows, the task will be created only for the stores specified in the file and for each store file, only those verification objects that are specified for this store will be included in the task.

Important! If in some rows the Store Number column is filled in, and in some it is not, an error will occur when uploading the file and it will be impossible to create a task.

3. The following blocks will be displayed in your template if a reference book is linked to the survey template. Here you can specify the verification objects that you want to verify. These values will later be added to the linked directory, if there are no such values in it yet.

For example, you need to check the availability of the product "Milk" in stores 3090 and 3039, and in stores 3182 and 0199 of the product "Hair band". Then the file will look like this:

4. Block for attributes. The attributes are configured in the directory.This can be the product code, delivery date and much more. You don't have to fill in these columns, even if the attributes are added to the template. This affects the file upload, since the field is optional.

5. Upload the completed file to the template.

At this point, the file may load successfully or an error may occur. In case of an error, you will see a notification on the screen.

Common errors when filling out a file and how to solve them.

  • Invalid format of the uploaded data. Download and fill out the template again

The error may occur if the application was changed, and you are trying to download an old template filled in earlier.

For example, if the attribute name does not match the reference. An error may also occur when manually changing the column name in a file or loading an old template. Please make sure that the file is up to date.

  • The store number is not filled in on sheet X in line Y

If in some rows the Store Number column is filled in, and in some it is not, an error will be received when uploading the file and it will be impossible to create a task. Fill in the store numbers everywhere, or do not specify them in the file at all.

  • A duplicate store number was found on sheet X in line Y

An error may occur if one store is listed twice on the same template page. For example, you have twice specified store 3090 to check the Milk product. Delete duplicates using the hint in the interface.

  • Incorrect data on sheet X in row Y in cell Z

The data is entered in a non-original format. For example, an attribute of the date and time type, and you entered only the date.

  • The shops on all the sheets must be filled in.

It may occur if you missed filling in the Store Number column on one of the sheets of the file, when there are several of them. Please fill in the store numbers everywhere, or do not specify them in the entire file.

4) Complete the task creation. The rest of the task creation settings are standard and do not differ from the usual task. Enable the necessary settings if necessary and click Create

After that, the task creation process starts. When the data processing is finished, you will see a pop—up notification - The task has been created.
