Create a region

To add a new region, click New region. The window for creating a new region will open.



On this screen, enter a region name, select a division from the drop-down list, and click Create region. Click Cancel to cancel.

Edit information about the region

To view/edit information about a region, click on it in the list of regions. The panel to view information about a region will open.


In the Info tab, following changes can be done:

In the Stores tab, you can view the list of stores in the same region.


To edit the tasks of executors in the selected region, go to the Selection of executors tab.


  • Select a department or leave the Department field blank to show users of all departments
  • To select a user as an executor of the region, switch on the Executor option
  • Switch off the Executor option if you do not want a user to be an executor of the selected region anymore.