BI Analytics

Process Analysis

Auditor analysis

Map of inspections

Task analysis

Summary table

BI Analytics aggregates information on inspections, scores, dates, inspectors, regions, etc., and presents it in form of diagrams.

BI reports have three key differences that distinguish them from other reports.

  • The minimum reporting period for all BI reports is one week
  • By default, BI reports refresh only once a day. This means that you can form an accurate report for the current day only tomorrow
  • BI reports cannot be exported
BI Analytics data is displayed by the finish date of inspections.

Process Analysis

The Process Analysis report displays:

  • The average grade for each checklist process.
  • The average grade of each store for each checklist process.


The rating system is presented by the following report parameters:

  • Processes
  • Checklists
  • Stores

The rating of Processes inspected in the selected period is displayed in the form of a pie chart.


The chart construction is based on the following data:

  1. Checklist template
  2. Process/question of a checklist
  3. Division
  4. Region
  5. Store
  6. Year
  7. Month
  8. Week

Check one or more data types to select them.

The closer a process is to the center of the chart, the lesser the rating of that process compared to the others.

The point of this chart is to show underperforming processes to the company management so they could draw conclusions and make decisions to improve the situation.

Depending on the filters, the ratings can be constructed on the company level as well as on the level of a separate business unit.

When a specific process is clicked, the system will recalculate the ratings given below by checklists and by stores.

Grade by template


The chart is formed on the average grade of inspections — from the worst to the best.

Only checklists with inspections conducted during the selected period are displayed.

Store grade by Processmceclip0.png

This chart shows the average grade of each store on processes from the pie chart.

Click on one of the stores to see a detailed process analysis on that store.

Auditor analysis

The Process Analysis report displays

  • The rating of auditors.
  • Total number of inspections conducted in the selected period.
  • Statistics on where inspections were conducted — inside or outside stores.
  • mceclip1.png

The chart construction is based on the following data:

  1. Division
  2. Region
  3. Checklist template
  4. Year
  5. Month
  6. Week

Check one or more data types to select them.

Hover mouse cursor over any of the chart columns to see detailed information.

Map of inspections

The Map of inspections report displays

  • Number of inspections.
  • Rating of auditors.
  • Places where inspections were conducted.


The chart construction is based on the following data:

  1. Division
  2. Region
  3. Year
  4. Month
  5. Week

Check one or more data types to select them.

Hover mouse cursor over any of the shops displayed on the map to see detailed information.

Task analysis

The Task analysis report displays aggregated information on tasks, their type, and status.


Use filters at the right of the screen to construct a chart for tasks meeting some specific conditions.

Detailed information on each task that meets the filters will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Summary table

The Summary table report displays:

  • The average score of a store for each week of the period.
  • The percent of completed tasks of a store for each week of the period.
  • Name of the store.
  • Total grade and percent of completed tasks for the selected period.


Auditor's summary table