Inspections calendar

The inspections calendar allows to plan inspections on subordinate stores and view all inspections assigned to their stores as per relevant template.

To get started, click the Inspection calendar button on the left side of the page.


Where appropriate, use the search. Stores can be searched either by their name or id. By default, only 20 stores are displayed on one page. If there are more than 20 subordinate stores, use the search or look for them on other pages.

Switch between months, if needed using the arrows in the left and right of the current month.

Inspections are underlined with color depending on their status.

  • The red color means that the inspection was not carried out and the deadline was not met.
  • The green color means that the inspection was accomplished and, if applicable, tasks to fix occurred issues were resolved.
  • The blue color means that the inspection is in progress.
  • The white means that there is no inspection planned on this day.
  • The yellow color means that the inspection was accomplished but tasks to fix occurred issues are not resolved at the moment.

Planning algorithm

First of all, select a template from the drop-down list. Then click on any available date in the calendar. The system will ask to confirm to plan the inspection on the selected date. Click Create checklist to proceed.


The inspection will be displayed as a checkmark on the selected date.
