How to create a nested survey template

To create or modify a survey template, your account must have the Edit surveys role enabled. To enable it, please contact your system administrator.

How to create a template for a nested survey?

1) Go to the Surveys -> Survey Settings section

At this step, you can either create a new category for your survey using the corresponding button, or click on the name of an already created category.

2) Inside the category, click the New Template button. The template creation menu will open.

  • Template name is required.
  • Survey type is required. Select the one that fits your needs.

If it's necessary for employees to fill it out.

Such a survey is assigned as a separate task.


An employee can independently take such a survey at any time in the Quick Surveys section.

For applications in inspections

Used as a tool for collecting additional information when answering a checklist question.

For applications in tasks

Used to create complex task scenarios.

For example, checking product placement, monitoring competitor prices, checking expiration dates, and many others.

  • Link to the catalog if necessary. Is only relevant for applications in tasks that will be created via XLS file.

Why do you need a catalog in tasks?

The link between the survey template and the catalog is needed if you want to conduct checks on multiple entities within one task. Such tasks are created via an XLS file.

For example, if you want to create a task to check the display of goods, then you will need a catalog of goods linked to the template.

The XLS file can contain information about entities that need to be checked when completing the task, such as goods, product categories, equipment, and much more.

The first column in the file will always be the check object number (e.g., store number), and in the second column, you can specify the list of entities you want to check specifically in this object.

For tasks with regular information collection, a catalog is not needed.

For example, gathering documents for the work contract of some employee. Such a task will be performed only for one specific employee, meaning one entity, so there is no need for a catalog.

3) Click Save. The template is now ready to use.

4) To add questions, click on the template.

5) Inside template, click New question and configure all questions:

  • Name/description of the question
  • Answer type:

    • Single choice — user can select only one answer option;
    • Multiple choice — user can select multiple answer options;
    • Number — answer in numerical format, including decimals;
    • Date — selection of a date from the calendar;
    • Date and time — selection of a date from the calendar and time;
    • File — allows adding an attachment as an answer;
    • Free response;
    • Selection from catalog — selection of an answer from a pre-created catalog.
  • Question parameters:
    • Required — it is impossible to complete the survey without answering such a question.
    • Answer comment — allows users to leave a comment to their answer (when this parameter is activated, you can further specify the requirement for a comment).
    • Own answer — allows giving a free-form answer to the question instead of the selected answer type.
    • Hint — you can provide additional explanation for each question or attach a photo.

When you have finished configuring the question, click on one of the Save buttons:

  • Save — the question will be saved, and you will remain in the same window.
  • Save and create new — the question will be saved, and the data in the window will be cleared so that you can create a new question.