
View and edit the tasks options in the Settings > Parameters section of the website. Click on the Tasks in the parameters list to see all task options available.

Only the system administrator can view and edit the system parameters.



Author can delete tasks

This option allows users to delete tasks created by them.

A user can only delete tasks that were created by them.

Returning my store tasks to work

This option allows the task author to return a task for rework in case it was not completed correctly.

To do that, the task author should find the required task and click on the Return to work button.

The task status will change and an executor will be able to rework on this task.

Return to work for observers

This option allows a task author to return a task back to work to a task observer.

An observer is a user appointed to oversee a task execution and to remind the executor of their task deadlines.

Objectives can only be assigned to subordinates

If any user should be able to assign tasks to users of any level, switch off this.
Even if this option is switched off, the system administrator should edit the Department's settings to determine to whom they can assign tasks.

Executing tasks for my stores

A description of this option is to be added later.

 Is a comment required when returning to work

This option determines whether a comment is mandatory to return a task back to work. If it is switched off, a user will be able to return back a task for rework without leaving a comment on it.

Allow change of deadline for author only

By default, both the system administrator and task authors can change deadlines. If this option is switched on, only the task author will be able to change the task deadlines.