Custom answers of checklist's template

If the standard answer types Yes/No and Yes/Medium/No are not suitable, you can customize your own answer options.

How to customize answers of checklist's template

If you need to use custom answers, go to Inspections => Checklist Registry and choose a required template. Find a required question and select Assign your answers in answer type.

Add the desired number of answers by Add answer option button and enter the name of the response. These names will be displayed for inspector. To quickly add a new answer, press Ctrl+enter.

Assign a coefficient to each answer and select Create a task? for each answer.

The percentage of this answer from the weight ot the question is taken into account when calculating the final mark of the checklist

Let's see on example:

  • If the answer Enough it will be 10 points;
  • If the answer Acceptable it will be 5 points;
  • If the answer Not enough it will be 0 points.