Inspections calendar

This report shows the executive discipline of inspectors. It will be useful if inspectors in the company plan inspections before conducting them. Then the number of planned inspections can be carried with the number of inspections that were actually carried out.

Information from the Inspections calendar can be used to build a motivational system for inspectors.

Open the Analytics Inspections calendar section of the menu.mceclip0.png

Set the desired report parameters. When choosing a filter, click Apply for the changes to take effect. All the required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

To clear a filter, click on the mceclip0.png eraser button. All applied filters can also be cleared by clicking the Clear all filters button in the bottom right corner.


A report can be exported as an EXCEL file.


These columns will be shown by default:

  • Store
  • Inspector
  • Dates


Columns that should be part of the report can be selected from the drop-down list in the upper right corner as shown in the picture below.


Up to four inspections per day will be displayed by default.

If an inspector conducted five and more inspections in a single day, then only the first three inspections will be visible. Click the + button to see all inspections conducted during that day.


Distinguish between inspections by their status and color in the calendar.

mceclip16.png A missed inspection will be marked with black color and the Missed status.

Planned inspections will be marked with green color and the Planned status.

mceclip8.png In progress inspection will be marked with yellow color and the In progress status.
mceclip10.png If an inspection has been filled out without issues, it will be marked with purple color and the Without issues status.
mceclip6.png If an inspection has been finished with issues and they have not been fixed yet, it will be marked with red color and the With issues status. The counter in the bottom right corner shows the number of issues fixed by now.
mceclip11.png If an inspection has been finished with issues but at least one issue has been fixed by now, the inspection will be marked with light blue color and the Issues being fixed status.

If an inspection has been finished and all issues are fixed, it will be marked with green color and the Issues fixed status.

mceclip14.png If an inspection has been finished but not approved by the reviewer, it will be marked with light blue color and the In review status.

If the report is opened under a reviewer's account, the Approve button will appear next to inspections waiting for a review.

Clicking the Approve button will open a new tab with the selected inspection.

Opening a missed inspection

1) Log in as a system administrator.

2) Open the Inspections calendar.

3) Find the required inspection using filters. It will be marked with black color and the Missed status.

4) Click the expand button on the right and select the Restore inspection button from the drop-down list.
