How to create blocks, processes, and questions

Meaning of the term

Questions are the lower level in the checklist template structure. Questions are combined into processes. A process stands for a specific operating procedure (e.g. cleaning procedures, security procedures). Processes are combined into blocks and sub-blocks. This hierarchy is used for reporting and analysis.

How to create a new process

1) Open the Checklist constructor section of the website and enter the Processes library subsection.


2) To create a new root block of processes, click on the Add block button. A dialog box will appear on screen.

Enter a name in the text box and press the Create button.

This creates a root block of processes that allows to frame processes and questions related to them.

3) Select a root block of processes and click on the Add process button. A dialog box will appear on screen.


Enter a name in the textbox and press the Create button.

4) Add questions to a process by selecting one of the processes from the list. The selected process will be underlined in the list.
Then click on the New question button on the right side of the screen.


A dialog box will appear on screen. Fill in the Question text textbox and click on the Save button.


Fill in the text boxes and click on the Save button.

Enter the text of your question and add a hint to it.


Click on the + button to add an image as a hint to the question.

To delete a hint, press the X button.


Click on the Save button to save the question and close the menu or click on the Save and create a new button to save the current question and to start creating a new one.

5) A question can be configured after it has been created.


Click on this button to determine process flow if the question is answered negatively.


Deletes the question from the process or moves it to another process.

Process hierarchy


  • A block of processes is the top level in the hierarchy. It includes processes and questions in these processes.
  • A process is the middle level in the hierarchy. It represents operational functions (e.g. Security measures, communication with customers) or sections of a store (e.g. Warehouse, Check-out desk).
  • A question is the lowest level in the hierarchy. Questions of the same group are included in one process.

How to create a checklist template

1) Open the Checklist constructor section on the website and enter the Checklist templates subsection.


2) To create a template, click on the Add button.

Templates can also be imported from an Excel file. Visit this page for instructions.

Enter a name in the textbox and press the Create button.

We have created a root block of processes. Now we are ready to create processes and questions related to them.

3) Select a root block of processes and click on the Add process button. You will then see a dialog box.

Enter a name in the textbox and press the Create button.

4) Add questions to a process. To do that, select one of the processes from the list. The selected process will be underlined in the list.
Then click on the New question button on the right side of the screen.


You will then see a dialog box. Fill in the Question text textbox and click on the Save button.


Fill in the text boxes and click on the Save button.

Here you can enter the text of your question and add a hint to it.


You can click on the + button to add an image as a hint to the question.

To delete a hint, press the X button.

Click on the Save button to save the question and close the creation menu or click on the Save and create a new button to save the current question and start creating a new one.

5) After you have created a question, you can configure it.


You can click on this button to determine who will be responsible for solving a problem if the question will be answered negatively.


Deletes the question from the process or moves it to another process.