How you can set the time interval for checklist completing

Administrator of system can select the time interval for checklist completing in Checklist registry. When the option is activated, the inspector can fill up the checklist only within a specified period of time.

How to set time interval?

  1. Through administrator account go to Inspections => Checklist registry.
  2. Find the required template of checklist through the name or filters.
  3. Press on required template.
  4. Select Properties in opened window.
  5. Active the Set filling time interval option.
  6. Set the required time (Fill from/Fill to).

7. Press on Save time.

The limits of time work according to the time of the reviewer on his device.

To prevent the reviewer from making changes to the specified time period, you must also prohibit timestamping in the system settings. To do this:

  1. Go to Administration => Settings => Checklists.
  2. Select Yes in Whether to prohibit checking outside the allowed time interval

If this parameter is off, but filling time interval is on, before the start of fill up the inspection, the following notification will display. In this case, the inspector can start the inspection at any time.

If this parameter is on and filling time interval is on, before the start of fill up the inspection the following notification will display. In this case, the inspector can't start the inspection in any time.

There will be following notification in inspector account in this case.