How to create an advanced photo report

A photo report is a special type of task where assigned users should attach photos according to the description to complete it. Task observers can check photos of executors and create claims if they find any issues.

How to create a photo report

Open the Tasks -> Tasks list tab, click Add task, and select Photo report as the type of the task.

Enter a task name and description so that assignees understand what exactly they should do.

In the Common settings for all values section, you can set a deadline date and time, add attachments, such as reference images, and set a minimal number of photos to be taken. These settings will be applied to all values you add to the task.

You can split a photo report into several sections, like "retail space" and "parking lot", and add a separate description for each of them. To add a new section, click the + button and give it a name and description. Additionally, you can attach reference images or other files that assignees will need to complete the task.

If you're going to use some sections in multiple tasks, you can save them in catalogs to reuse in future tasks. Read more about catalogs in this article: Catalogs.

When you are done with configuring the task, add assignees and observers to the task and click Create.

For instructions on further work with photo reports, visit this page: Work with advanced photo reports.