How to clear the cache in the Android app?

What is the cache in the phone, and why do you need to clear it?

For the convenience of working with the application, the downloaded data is cached in the phone's memory.

Caching helps you work with your application faster and more efficiently because you don’t waste time redownloading data.
Over time, the cache volume increases, which can affect the speed of the device.
For example, an application can hang if the device lacks RAM. It can be solved by clearing your cache.

By clearing the cache in the application, you delete the most frequently used data, temporary files, etc.

How to clear the cache in the app?

1) Open the Settings app in your phone. Usually it is the wheel icon in the top menu of your phone. You can also find Settings by using the application search menu.

2) Go to Apps

3) Find Qvalon in the list of your apps.

4) Click on the application line and the application settings menu will open. Select Storage.


5) Click Clear cache or Clear data if clearing the cache doesn't help.