How to enable a geolocation check during inspection?

The administrator can configure Geolocation check settings individually for each Department to prevent users from starting and finishing inspections outside stores.

How to enable a geolocation check

  1. Open the Administration => Departments. You should be using an admin account.
  2. Select the required department from the list and click the Geolocation tab.
  3. Configure the settings and click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Coordinate error

Geolocation may be inaccurate in certain regions so you might want to set an acceptable error for geolocation checks. To do this:

  1. Open the Administration -> Settings -> Tablet tab.
  2. Set the value in the Error when determining geolocation (meters) field. We recommend a minimum of 200 for correct handling of checks, as geolocation of users can be detected inaccurately on their devices.