Grade calculation mode

The system provides for 4modes of grade calculation:

  • Weighted;
  • Percentage;
  • Sum;
  • Extended weighted.

The formation of the final grade at each mode of calculation includes 2 key factors:

  • Answers;
  • Weight of question (by default = 1).

Possible responses:

  • Yes/No/Irrelevant;
  • Yes/Middle/No/Irrelevant;
  • From 1 to 5.

The final grade of the checklist is also influenced by the following options:

  • Blocking category;
  • Blocking checklist.

If the blocking question is answered No, 0 points will be given for the whole checklist or the whole process, regardless of the answers to other questions.

For example, the store is not open during business hours: No - means 0 points and answers to other questions don't matter anymore.

1. Percentage mode

In the percentage calculation mode, the final grade is displayed as a percentage. When answering «Yes» to the checklist question the system assigns the question a value of 100%, when answering «No» - 0%, and when answering «Middle» - 50%.

Calculation of final grade by process:
The final process score is calculated using by formula:
((X + 0.5Y) / Z) * 100%,

Where X is the weight of all questions in the process with the answer "Yes", Y is the weight of all questions in the process with the answer "Middle", and Z - the total weight of all questions in the process. Accordingly, if only "Yes" and "No" responses are used in the process, the formula will take the form (X / Z) * 100%.

Calculation of the final grade on the check-list:

The final checklist's score is calculated using by formula:

((X + 0.5Y) / Z) * 100%,

Where X is the weight of all questions in the checklist with the answer "Yes", Y is the weight of all questions in the checklist with the answer "Middle", and Z - the total weight of all questions in the checklist. Accordingly, if only "Yes" and "No" responses are used in the checklist, the formula will take the form (X / Z) * 100%.

Example of calculation for the checklist with "Yes" and "No" options:

Example of calculation for the checklist with options for "Yes", "Middle", "No":

2. Sum mode

In the sum calculation mode, the final grade of the checklist is displayed by the number - the sum of weights of all the questions to which the answers were provided «Yes» or «Middle». When answering «Yes» to a checklist question, the system assigns the question the full amount of weight of the question. When answering «No» the question counts 0. When answering «Middle» - half of the weight of the question.

Example of calculation:

3. Weighted mode

In the weighted calculation mode, the final verification grade is displayed by number. When answering «Yes» to the checklist question the system assigns the maximum possible value to the question - 5 . When answering «No» - 0. When answering «Middle» - 2.5.

Calculation of the final grade by the process provides by the formula:

(Sum of the multiplication of the grade of the process by their weights) / (Sum of the weights of all the questions in the process)

The final checklist's score is calculated using the formula:

(Sum of works of grades on their weight) / (Sum of weights of questions answered)

Example of calculation:

4. Extended weighted

In the extended weighted calculation mode, the final grade is displayed by number. In this calculation mode the grade for checklst can be from 1 to 5.

Calculation of grade by question:

Value * weight of question

Calculation of the process percentage grade:

(Sum of grades by process questions) / (Sums of the multiplication of question's weight by 5) *100

Calculation for checklist's final grade:

5 / 100 * (The average value percentage grades by processes)

Example of calculation: