How to create a photo report

1) Open the Tasks -> Tasks list tab and click Add task.

2) Select Photoreport as type of the task and fill in the following fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Deadline
  • Attachments (optional)

3) Select assignees

You can filter users by their level and department and either select all users matching your filters or select specific users.

All assigned users are displayed in the box below the list of available users.

If there are many assignees, you can search for them by name, surname, email, position, or object.

4) Select observers

This step is optional and is left at the discretion of the author.

The main function of observers is to inspect photo reports and create claims in case there are any issues. They also ensure that all tasks are completed on time by sending deadline reminders to assignees.

You can use the following filters to search for observers:

  • Manager of executors — the system will display a list of regional & divisional managers responsible for the assignees
  • By user level
  • By department
  • By name, surname, e-mail, position, or object

5) Extra options

This step is optional and is left at the discretion of the author.

The Enter Comment / Add attachments options, if enabled, prohibit assignees from completing the task without leaving a comment or adding attachments the required number of photos.

The Disallow upload attachments from gallery option prohibits users from uploading photos from the gallery. They should take photos in the app instead. Note that if this option is enabled, it is impossible to complete the task in the web app.

The Confirmation required option requires observers to confirm that a task has been completed properly.

6) Configure task notifications

This step is optional and is left at the discretion of the author. Click on an icon to activate/deactivate notification on certain event.

Default notification settings can be set by system administrators in the Tasks -> Tasks settings tab.

7) Click Create.