Creating versions of checklist templates

If you click on the number of versions, a panel with the list of versions will appear. You can also open the the list of versions by selecting the item Custom editions in the triple-dot menu, which is located on the right side of each line with an inspection template.

The version list only shows the versions created for stores that are available to the user who is viewing it.

How to find a specific version of the checklist template?

  1. Go to Inspections -> Checklist registry and find the required template
  2. Open the list of versions
  3. Type the store number or the author's last name in the search

If you click on the number of versions, a panel with the list of versions will appear. You can also open the the list of versions by selecting the item Custom editions in the triple-dot menu, which is located on the right side of each line with an inspection template.

The version list only shows the versions created for stores that are available to the user who is viewing it.

How to find a specific version of the checklist template?

  1. Go to Inspections -> Checklist registry and find the required template
  2. Open the list of versions
  3. Type the store number or the author's last name in the search

Creating your own versions of checklist templates allows you to select from the basic template only questions that are applicable to a particular inspection object, eliminating unnecessary routine actions when conducting inspections.

This feature may not be available by default. Contact your manager to enable this feature.

Why should you create your own version of a checklist?

Usually, inspectors use the same checklist template while conducting inspections in different facilities. However, questions that may be applicable for one facility, may be irrelevant for another.

For example,

  • a question about the condition of a store sign on a building may not be relevant for facilities located inside malls
  • whole set of questions about the cafeteria is irrelevant for facilities that do not have a cafeteria

Who can edit versions of inspections? The system provides a special role Create template versions for creating versions of an inspection.

How to enable the ability to create versions for a template?

  1. Navigate to Inspection -> Checklist registry and find the required template.
  2. On the Properties tab at the bottom of the screen, check the Custom edition.

3. Make sure to click Save сhanges when you’re done.

How to look at how many versions of a checklist have been created?

On the Inspection -> Checklists registry section, each checklist template has a Custom editions column.

If you click on the number of versions, a panel with the list of versions will appear. You can also open the the list of versions by selecting the item Custom editions in the triple-dot menu, which is located on the right side of each line with an inspection template.

The version list only shows the versions created for stores that are available to the user who is viewing it.

How to find a specific version of the checklist template?

  1. Go to Inspections -> Checklist registry and find the required template
  2. Open the list of versions
  3. Type the store number or the author's last name in the search.

Versions of checklist templates can be edited or deleted. You can do this by clicking the corresponding buttons on the version card.

How to create your own version of a checklist?

  1. Go to Inspections -> Checklist registry and find the desired template.
  2. Go to the list of versions and click Create custom edition.
  3. Uncheck the questions you want to exclude from the version. Note that questions that are marked as desired in the base template cannot be excluded from the version.

When creating a new version, you can only select an object that doesn’t have its own version yet. Each object can have only one template version.