Work with advanced photo reports

A photo report is a special type of task where assigned users should attach photos according to the description to complete it. Task observers can check photos of executors and create claims if they find any issues.

Work with advanced photo reports

To view a photo report, open the Tasks -> Tasks list tab and click the Execution status next to the corresponding photo report.

A list of subtasks with their status, number of photos, comments, and claims will appear. In the table below you will find all the actions that can be performed on subtasks.

mceclip4.png Inspect the photo report.
mceclip5.png Return the photo report for correction.
mceclip6.png Delete the subtask. It is only available if the subtask has not been finished yet.
mceclip7.png Remind the assignee of the task.
mceclip8.png Confirm that the subtask is completed.

For instructions on inspecting a photo report, take a look at this article:Inspection of photo reports and claim creation.